One of the most beautiful natural stones in the world is Amethyst. Explanations on www.minerals-kingdom.com gives a vivid picture. Back then, it was more expensive than many stones. Today, stones like ruby and sapphire are more expensive and better known. Previously, the gemstone and diamond had the same value. Now, it is common with the low price since it is readily available. Their colour varies from light purple to dark violet. They are transparent crystals which look like glass collection. Manganese, present in crystals produces two types of the stone depending on their levels. They are either transparent or opaque. When light passes through it, transparency levels improve.
During ancient years, the stone was used in magic shows. It was a protective charm when cutting in the image of a bear and protects against evil when covered in bronze. Cups cut from the stone removed sorrow and evil from anyone who drank. Wearing the stone protected against love quarrels and violent nature of its wearer. It encouraged calm, bravery and meditation.
They represent the Pisces and those born in February. It is a gift for the sixth anniversary of marriage. As an accessory for over 2000 years, it produces different types of jewellery. They decorate homes and offices.
It heals our bodies. Yoga lovers join the chakra meditation with it. When joined with the basic chakra, it reduces anger and anxiety. Similarly, merging it with solar plexus chakra stops stomach pains. It also helps the liver work properly. It has powers to relax and stimulate the mind and motivates people to drink in moderation.
Traditional stories surrounding the History of the Stone
The name comes from the Greek word “amethustos” meaning “sober.” In old Greece, it protected them against drunkenness. It is a creation of Dionysus, the god of wine and revelry and white crystal rock. He cried and overturned his cup of wine, spilling it over the rock. As a result, it turned purple. If you drink from its cup, you will not get drunk. People place it in their mouths during celebrations to prevent drunkenness. It also helps one think clearly during business dealings and meetings. In ancient Egypt, it was a symbol of goat, an enemy of vines and vineyards.
The early church recognised and associated it with Christ. The purple colour resembles wounds He suffered during the crucifixion. It represents loyalty to Christ. Catholic bishops wore it on their rings and decorated the cross with it showing abstinence and respect for Christ. It is one of 12 natural stones in the armour that protected high priest Aaron. Besides, the stone-built the 12th foundation of Holy City. Saint Valentine wore a ring set with an ancient “amethystic” stone made in Cupid’s image.
It stood for modesty and humility during the middle years. Throughout the ages, powerful and wealthy monarchs used it as a symbol of royalty and to decorate jewels of the British crown.
Historically, it assisted in prophecy and brought powers to its owners. It relates to civil and religious classes. Feng Shui allows one to focus on giving and receiving of material wealth. It provides a spiritual understanding to reach a state of joy. Thus, linking crown chakra where divine nature enters. It solves disagreements between relatives and children. The stone was a favourite among pharaohs protecting them from evil and bad luck. However, it also predicted their future and brought riches to them.
Physical Characteristics and Composition
Today, it is widely and readily available. They are common in the form of six-sided crystals and boasts of the colour of royalty. It comes in all variations of purple, lilac and mauve with a variety of highly-priced quartz. Among all gems, it is the most widely used due to unlimited variety and natural abundance. During formation, the stone occurs in many igneous and metamorphic rocks. Its physical characteristics are different based on where they come from. Furthermore, experts know the difference by looking at them. Iron impurities in the stone bring out the purple colour. Its colour is unstable, reducing quickly through exposure to sunlight. When you wrap dark ones in a foil, it protects colour. The strength of colour changes from one part of the stone to another. The strongest purple is near the ends of the rocks.
When it comes to purity, Africa gives the richest amethysts in terms of colour, while Eastern Mexico gives light ones. On the other hand, Western Mexico offers brightly coloured ones. The most valuable stone is dark in colour. Sorting determines their value by their colours. Siberian is the best stone in colour while Uruguayan is second best. Bahrain is the least valuable with light colours. Siberian has a purple shade of 75% to 80% and 15% to 20% of the blue. The Rose of France is light in colour and was not desirable. However, thorough marketing has changed this perception. Sometimes only a thin layer of violet is present. Some quartz are different, showing a mix of white and purple. They can be left natural or polished. Most productions are for commercial reasons and sold by the pound, kilo or ton.
Litho Therapy and its Effect
Natural stones offer healing to the body and litho therapy to the mind and soul. It heals sicknesses of the nervous system and helps in curing nightmares and insomnia. You feel a peace of mind, thanks to its therapeutic calmness.The stone boosts the production of hormones and stimulates the nervous system. Similarly, it boosts endocrine glands to perform at its best. It transports oxygen in the blood and helps in treating the digestive tract, heart, stomach and skin. The immune system is strengthened, resulting in reduced bruising, pain and swellings. It also produces perfect results when treating arthritis. When you cannot sleep, it produces a mild and relaxing effect on the neural catalyst in the brain.
Similarly, its energy stops the pain of headaches and reduces stress and anxiety. It treats your inner self by stabilising imbalances in the brain. However, it is not for use in cases of schizophrenia and paranoia. Placing it on the navel, forehead, or heart allow frustrations and anger to leave the body. Wearing as jewellery enable you to think critically about situations you face and how to handle them well.
It stops mental anxieties by reducing physical tension and headaches. If you easily get angry, it will calm you down. When fighting drug addiction, it stops the effects of drugs and alcohol on brain function and gives peaceful supporting energy in the brain. The gem also helps one know the truth of cause and effect in behaviours, therefore, encouraging better decision making. Amethyst is a comforting crystal for those mourning the loss of a loved one. Its presence communicates that there is no death: only passage and changing forms of the spirit. It encourages the release of sorrow as well as rejoicing when a loved one’s spirit is freed from the physical body. In sacred spaces, it keeps away negative energy.
Caring for the Stones and Jewellery
It is hard enough for almost any jewellery use. As natural stone jewellery, it can be trendy and stylish. You can make jewellery collections including bracelets and necklaces adding class and elegance as dangle earrings. Also, they can be the central point of the outfit with their striking colour. Wearing its jewellery helps to fight negativity and headaches. It acts as a sedative when worn as earrings and treats asthma when worn a necklace.
They are used in homes and offices. When you place it in your office, it helps to concentrate on projects. It can help you to complete tasks in the right way, the first time. You can place it near the bed or pillow to enjoy a good night’s sleep. Similarly, it helps to clear the mind. You can enjoy pleasant dreams rather than nightmares. During meditation, the victim uses stone. Keep it close to your meditation area to achieve a clearer mind. It also opens you up fully for the meditation process.
The stone is very delicate though it has hardness of 7 and needs special care. Taking care of it is easy. Clean it regularly with warm and soapy water. While wearing its jewellery, you must take extra care. Avoid scratching or bumping the stone against a rough surface. When storing it, keep it away from harder metals and stones to avoid scratching its surface. Avoid extreme and repeated exposure to sunlight which prevents the colour from fading.
Similarly, harsh chemicals like chlorine can harm the stone. Avoid wearing jewellery made of the stone when doing household duties, swimming or sunbathing. Taking it for professional maintenance once every year increases the lifespan of your piece. The stones and jewellery are heirlooms passed down to the next generation. It comes down to how you take care of them.